Searching for local produce in the early winter can seem like a fruitless endeavour. There is, however, an often-overlooked vegetable that provides the perfect base for a warm hearty meal on a cold blustery day: the winter squash!
The squash, or cucurbita fruit, is native to North and South America, and was first cultivated here before being brought over to Europe by returning explorers excited to discover a hearty new food source. Almost all varieties are a good source of complex vegetable carbohydrates and dietary fibre. They are also an excellent source of vitamin A, C, potassium, and manganese.
We get our squash from Harvest Food Farm and Mans Organics. Both farms provide us with a variety of organic squash, ranging from the more familiar Butternut, to the daunting Marina di Chioggia. Deciding which squash to choose can be a difficult task, so here is a little information on what you can expect from just a few of the varieties we receive: